Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ara ara

Today was awesome. We met our friend who we haven't seen in about 6 years. She is an anime fan as well. Double whammy! We met... at an anime store. The one she knews. I bought my mouse pad. We took a photo at one of those booths. Did a lot of editing. We went to the "black Tri-Stars". She was amazed, since she didn't know there was the shops. I bought my ARIA OST. We talked about a lot of random stuff. She is going to Sydney for Uni (Hi Kelvin!) on the 28th.

We didn't spend a lot of time together though, didn;t meet till the night, but we may find another time. Still no Aria PVC's. Went home. Will email later. Simple sentences rule.

Ara ara.
*Falls asleep*
Turns into a girl.

1 comment:

Lure+Breaker said...

