Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So ya, it's back to the museum today for the Mammoth exhibition. No lines today. HURRAY! Spent about 1.5 hours there looking at info and dead stuff. No photographing though. So no pics D:

After that, we went around the main hall again to see ones we haven't yet. Stuff included A bunch of Chinese stuff, Oceania, Human life, microbes (got some cool pics of spiders and cockroaches www), and a few new limited exhibitions. Didn't get time to go to the gardens though, oh well. Photos are on photobucket, took some interesting ones.

Also went to this "bird's eye view theatre" where you look down on this projector some 3 stories down. I was looking at the aerial shots thinking "I CAN FLY!!!" or something. Pretty fun.

I might have to go there another time, but doubt I'll find the time to. Meh.

Science museum pics

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