Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The end of everything, the start of a new thing.

Basically, I decided to make a blog mainly for when I am in Taiwan so you can see what the hell I am doing.

Basically, I am going back to Taiwan for 2.5 months after my end of year exams and before Uni. Yay.

I am a 18yr old male from NZ. Any more and I'm afraid I will have to kill you. In a random way.

Interests are watching anime, being random, reading, being random, listening to music, being random, talking about being random, being random and being random. By this point, if you do not know that I am random, please stop and phone your nearest psychiatrist. Thank you for your time.

For the rest of you, welcome and enjoy reading about my random ramblings that I will randomly post. Exams soon roegjiogjogng.

I will be adding on extra templates and stuff, but I got a bit lazy tonight, and so will probably not do it till later. Don't ask me when. I'll do it when I randomly feel like it.

PS: how much times have I said random?


creature124 said...

ELEVEN times.

Oceania said...

I count Ten O.O

creature124 said...

oceania: I think you forgot the random in randomly.

Oceania said...

Oh, that might be so