Monday, October 27, 2008

Leave the Gundam behind!

Today was the Geddon on Monday. We arrived at the city at like 8:30, wandered a bit then went in.

Bought an Eva poster for $7.50 (it was 2 for 15 but another friend bought one too), then wandered around shops just looking at random stuff. My friend won a Black Tri-star set of cushions with teh Gundam lucky draw. D:

11am was the Crispin Freeman panel on Superheroes and Giant Robots. That was quite an informative show, and solved to as why the US has Superheroes and Japan has Giant robots. It's to do with Religion, divinity and manifestations. More stuff here. He then talked about those robots being vessels to help you achieve enlightment and how you should leave them behind once you have obtained it. He used an example of Amuro vs Char in A Baoa Qu, with Amuro letting go of the Gundam while Char tried to keep it until the last possible moment. (Go watch that bit!). He then ended the panel with "leave the Gundam behind."

Afternoon was a flurry of random stuff eg food, sitting there watching random anime etc. The cosplay skits was pretty lol. ONe group used the Loituma music :o, and there was a Hatsune Miku doing the Nyan nyan dance. Werid stuff. Winner was some Trinity blood cosplay, and I can't agree on it more.

Caught some bargains in the alst 30 mins of the con, will post pics of what I got tomorrow seeing we only bought a camera today >.>. Spent about $120 for the two days. Could have been more but, Taiwan calls.

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