For you who doesn't know.
Went on Saturday mainly for the Panel by Crispin Freeman on dubbing. Was great fun, we got him to say "All Hail Britannia!" and called him ORENJI-KUN.
All those aside, the con was pretty good. As usual, it lacks ANY Japanese anime/manga related peoples. But it's NZ, so bleh. However, there was a random draw thing for $10 so I went and got a Zaku CD carry case. My other friend got the Zaku MP3, which put me into despair. There was also a lot of
overpriced figures and gunpla for sale, lol. Although you could haggle. Also spotted the Eva movie for sale for $30 + free poster, so debating whether I want to buy :o (or just the poster for $10).
Bought a few DVD boxes + 1st volumes for $5 ea. They were Gunslinger Girl, Gravin and GitS: SAC. Gone by friday, due to it being used as prizes. Alos some pretty good AMVs. One of them was a TTGL one which spoils people anyone who hasn't watched it. (Episode 8, anyone?)
After the Con, ignoring the Eva movie that was being shown (seen it on big screens in July XD), we headed to the H!ACP party.
It's hosted by Tammy of the Auckland Cosplay Forums.
We had lots of food and drinks, and random games. They kept trying to get me to do the fish on a cutting board (don't ask. PLEASE), so I had to do it and won some chocolate, so I guess it wasn't all that bad. Pretty fun when there is like 40 people in a room doing Caramelldancin, and whatsnot.
Going again on Monday for the Cosplay comp (saw awesome ones today, love you ACP guys), and a panel on Giant Robots vs Superheroes. Also discouts like half an hr before the con ends XD